Why Am I So Angry All the Time?

In June of 2019 – even before the world was sent into an anxious and angry panic by the COVID-19 virus – 84% of women and men in the United States said that Americans were angrier than they’d been a generation ago. About 42% of them also said that they, themselves were angrier than they had been in the past.

The pandemic increased frustration, as most people felt out of control of the events around them. Worry, fear, and sadness often manifest as anger.

No matter what has your emotions spinning out of control, our caring counselors at The Soho Center for Mental Health Counseling help you feel centered again with anger management therapy. We help you learn new techniques to identify and redirect anger at our offices in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City or through HIPAA-compliant teletherapy. 

Are you angry all the time? Here’s how anger management can help.

We help you find the “why”

One of the most important aspects of dealing with chronic anger is to understand what’s put you in that state in the first place. When you feel angry all the time, you may not even know what triggered the feelings in the first place.

During your counseling sessions, you learn to identify the sources of your anger. Anger can come from past traumas and current frustrations or challenges. Your anger may be a symptom of unresolved:

Anything that makes you feel out of control can trigger anger. However, the roots of the anger often extend into your childhood. Our counselors provide a safe place to explore where the feelings that are making you angry today first arose.

We help you find expression

Anger is often an easier way to express deep feelings, such as sadness, fear, and powerlessness. Anger gives you a surge of adrenaline that can make you feel powerful. But, after that surge subsides, you may be left with the wreckage left behind by angry words or deeds.


During anger management therapy, you learn to express your feelings more productively. You learn to identify underlying emotions, such as fear, and express those, too.

And when you do feel angry, we help you find words and actions that express that feeling without destruction. You can learn to talk about your anger without expressing it in outbursts or violence.

We help you find relief

Anger can act as a fuel and can even be useful at times. However, if you’re in a chronic state of irritation or anger, that keeps your body in stress. The hormones that anger releases, such as cortisol, can negatively affect your body’s functions.

Uncontrolled anger and simmering rage are associated with a range of physical conditions. Health issues associated with chronic anger include:

In addition to learning how to express your anger more productively, you also learn how to relieve the pressure you feel when anger first arises. You may benefit from techniques such as box breathing, deep breathing, and meditation. Exercise can also release the stress of suppressed emotions.

Anger doesn’t usually “travel” alone

If you’re angry all the time, you might also be battling an underlying mental health disorder that contributes to your anger. In addition to anger, you may also have:

When you come to our caring counselors for anger issues, we conduct a thorough investigation of the emotional, mental, and physical conditions that may affect your mood. We then design a customized treatment plan that helps you alleviate all that troubles you.

Turn down the dial on anger starting today: Contact our caring and sensitive team by phone or using our online form. You may be able to choose between in-person and teletherapy anger management sessions.

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