UH oh! How Do Therapists Deal With Their OWN Family Issues at the Holidays?

Anthony Freire, LMHC, NCC, CCMHC Anthony Freire is an Adjunct Professor of Applied Psychology (Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness) at New York University and is the Founder and Clinical Director of The Soho Center for Mental Health Counseling. He is the author of "Sexual non-minority and sexual minority youth: Identity development, mental, health, and risky recreation sex behaviors. Annals of Leisure and Recreation Research, 5(1), 1-37. Grossman, A.H., Frank, J.A., & Freire, A. (2010). Anthony is also a trained group-relations consultant and a member of the New York Center for the Study of Groups. His main interests include understanding the complex relationship between biological/psychological disorders, anxiety, panic, and trauma and it's impact on human development and interpersonal relationships. Previously, Anthony was a daytime Emmy-nominated television producer where he often tackled and incorporated mental health awareness and education through the over 400 episodes of television he produced.

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