The Lesser-Known Symptoms of Depression

The Lesser-Known Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a serious mental illness that affects the way your brain processes information, how you feel, and how you act. Although you may associate depression with someone who looks or feels sad all the time, depression has a wide variety of symptoms. If you recognize that your daily struggles may be related to depression, you’re on your way to feeling better.

At The Soho Center for Mental Health our expert counselors diagnose and treat depression at our offices in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City. Could you be depressed and not even know it? The following are some signs that you might be depressed and could benefit from treatment.

You’re angry. A lot.

Chronic anger is one of the lesser known, and seemingly contradictory, symptoms of depression. Although the term depression suggests a down-regulation of emotions, when you’re depressed, you’re actually more likely to overreact to minor stimuli and annoyances.

Men, especially, manifest their depression with anger. Chronic anger is a dangerous condition that could lead to self-harm or harm to others.

You don’t get excited anymore.

You vaguely remember those days when you’d think about sex all the time, or fantasize about traveling the world, or finding the perfect job. But you aren’t doing any of that right now.

If you don’t wake up with a feeling of enthusiasm for the day, and if you don’t have a calendar filled with upcoming events that you look forward to enjoying, you may be depressed. A hallmark of depression, in fact, is loss of enthusiasm or joy in life.

It’s hard to focus or remember.

If you’re easily distracted and can’t find the “flow” in your work or other activities, you may have depression. Depression affects the way your brain works, so you may also find it hard to remember past events or even find the right words when you’re talking.

You eat or sleep too much or too little.

You can’t sleep through the night without awakening multiple times. Or you can’t wake up at all in the morning. Or don’t want to.

Changes in your life habits, such as how and when you eat or sleep, may signal depression. Depression can cause insomnia, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Depression may also create a sense of lethargy, so that it’s hard to wake up or get through your day.

If you’re depressed, you may eat more than normal, or turn to “comfort” foods that don’t give you any real nutrition but make you feel better temporarily. Conversely, you may have lost your appetite entirely and may not be eating enough to keep your brain and body nourished.

You feel overwhelmed or helpless.

If your problems seem insurmountable, and you don’t know where to start to get your life back on track, you’re probably struggling with depression. Although everyone occasionally feels stressed out, if that’s a chronic feeling in your life, you’d benefit from treatment that teaches you new coping strategies. 

You’re drinking (or drugging).

When you’re depressed, there’s a chemical imbalance in your brain. To compensate, you may find yourself turning to substances such as recreational drugs or alcohol so that you feel well again. At least for a little while.

Alcohol and many drugs, however, only compound depression in the long run. If you have a substance use problem, undiagnosed or untreated depression may be at the root of it.

To find out if you have depression and learn the strategies you need to feel joy, excitement, and peace in your life again, contact us with our online form, or call our friendly staff during office hours to schedule a consultation. 

You can also choose teletherapy, which we conduct through confidential and affordable video/phone consultations.

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