Do You Need Professional Help for an Eating Disorder?

This could be very, very scary to some of us.

You don’t want to admit it, but you must: Something’s wrong with the way you think about and interact with food. If you have an eating disorder, it’s nothing to be ashamed about and you aren’t alone. According to the Eating Disorders Coalition, not only will a tenth of Americans develop an eating disorder at some point in their lives, it’s the third most common chronic illness among teenage girls. 


Successfully treating an eating disorder involves more than willpower. At The Soho Center for Mental Health Counseling in New York City’s Greenwich Village, our caring and supportive specialists help you manage all of the factors that have led to your eating disorder, so that you can enjoy your life fully and freely again.

Eating disorders are potentially life-threatening

Every hour, at least one person in the United States dies from an eating disorder. If you have anorexia and are between age 15-24, you’re more than 10 times more likely to die than your peers. 


Eating disorders deprive your body of the essential nutrients it needs to function. Complications of eating disorders include:



Our specialists work along with nutritionists and your doctor to help you get all of the vitamins and minerals you need to restore your body to health. 

Eating disorders are about your emotions, too

You may have tried to control your eating disorder on your own, only to fall back into old behaviors. A counselor helps you understand why you developed your eating disorder and how   you’re using it to try to soothe yourself. Through therapy and training, you learn new behaviors and coping mechanisms that change your relationship toward food, toward stressors in your life, and toward yourself. 


The specialists at The Soho Center for Mental Health also may prescribe medications that alleviate the depression and anxiety that often accompany eating disorders. The medications help you feel calmer and more relaxed, so you can eat normally again. You may also benefit from family therapy if you still live with your parents or are in a live-in relationship or marriage.

Eating disorders take planning

We work with you to develop a healthy eating plan that helps you attain and maintain a stable weight. You learn how to set goals, and you get the support you need to achieve them. 


In addition to personal counseling, group therapy helps you share your thoughts, fears, and triumphs with others who face the same challenges you do. With the guidance of a counselor, you work together to build a healthier relationship with food, manage symptoms, and move toward a healthier future.

If you have an eating disorder, get help by contacting us for treatment today. Use the online form, or call our friendly staff during office hours.

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